A Traded-off Life.

A traded-off life.

Would it be wiser to act the fool,

And be graced with effusive public “bravos!”,

Than to be a keeper of inherent knowledge,

And be shunned, scorned in the shadows?

For what benefits an actor who diligently practices his lines,

To be upstaged by a pretentious mummer ad-libbing atrocious strine?

The same for the exacting pedant, research wise,

Entangled by a buffoon practised in compromise.

And why mock the woman, choosing to stay in the home,

Seeking no confected career, but as mother to her bairns,

More than the unskilled female, labouring ,

Wasting her life in dreary, low-paid slaving,

To prove a point of “managed social-equality” in the making?

Or the young person choosing a skilled trade,

Over facile delusion of “E-Commerce”; a beggar-man made?

Perhaps we all have been taken for a ride,

By some low-brow, middle-class philosophic pap,

With that promise of “healthy, wealthy and happy”,

When all the while turning us into parasited patsies,

Thrown onto THEIR dole when they close THEIR factories.

Perhaps there IS only one “final solution”,

That is to enact a Chairman Mao-style “cultural revolution”,

Expel from governance all middle-class non-producing schemers,

To be replaced with skilled-trades educated workers,

And be rid of those opportunist, entrepreneurial fools,

To recreate a life full-lived by more equitable social rules!

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