The Phantom Turd Flinger of Preston.

“Hieronymus Bosch’s Vision of Hell”.

I heard this snippet of information from a mate who was from Melbourne..He evidently had once met the above individual who claimed the title. This in itself, demonstrates the profound difficulty that both religion and the civilizing arms of society are up against when they proselytise for decent behavior from the citizens of a nation.

Evidently, the desire of that individual to perform such an act arose from the result of many sleepless Friday nights when local hoons would, after closing time at the nearby hotel, commence to drink in the car-park and then proceed to do burn-outs there under the shouting and cheering encouragement of mates and girlfriends..all accompanied by the throbbing bass thumping of “doof-music”, that penetrated the very earth under the Phantoms house and rose to the surface, apparently and bizarrely under his very bed!

He set about with a vengeance driven by insomniatic hate to construct a catapult out of a discarded leaf-spring from an old Holden car (“built for Australian conditions”?). Upon completion and testing and alterations and more testing, he ended up lobbing a satisfactory test “package” at the desired target with all the skill of a trained artillery officer. One has to give credit here for the determined tenacity to try again and again the varying degrees of tension of the spring, the direction – allowing for wind speed – of the “missile” and the parabolic curve to reach the desired target with a high degree of accuracy.

Now, I have to wonder , considering the “manufacture” of his “missile” , whether he kept a few “in storage” or he produced  several “on the day” of the presumed Friday night raucous. I would plunge on the latter…: “fresh is best”…as they say, for he would “deposit” a “bomb” in a soft-paper-bag, tie the top and place this in a fixed tin on the plate of the leaf-spring, drawn down in tension ready to fire..he would then set the direction desired and with a look to the sky for a hint of wind speed, do the final adjustments for the mission..

On the night in question, he set about his task with a anxious trepidation..and why not?..after all, here was the “acid test” of much planning and hard work..not to mention the pride of the idea of conception. Needless to say, going by the title of this piece that he achieved in notoriety, his “bombardment” of the hoons and their coterie was a ghastly success, judging by the screams and choking sounds of vomiting and retching that came from the general direction of the car-park..the burn-outs soon stopped and our anonymous hero from the suburbs went to sleep once more with a happy and satisfied heart..his last waking thoughts dwelling on whether he could use his contraption to wreak havoc on some nearby industries that he found unsuitable to his contentment of habitat.

I have to comment that it must be admitted that many of us meander through this life in an aimless fashion, driven by the winds and tides of social currents, without achieving any accolades of admiration at all..So even though this chap could not without some criticism claim the title afforded him, he could go on his way with the inside knowledge of “a job well done..well done indeed!”..

Ah!..this world is full of marvelous idiosyncratic characters..which demonstrates that God, at least, must have a divine sense of humour.

Muse Music.

I have been thinking on the premise of a new genre of storytelling…and having given it a lot of thought in that poetry and song or rather “song-line”, or perhaps; “prosetry”, ie; a cross between song and story-line..or prose and poetry..something like an opera spoken, enacted and some parts sung around an informal gathering by the incumbent storyteller of the group may be a good way of going…

I have used songs injected into several stories as mood creators…an accidental inclusion of personally favoured songs that I thought enhanced the feeling of the story-line…and since I am a nobody in the world of writing, I can do these sorts of experiments without comment or criticism…I can please myself…I have recently completed a 3 act piece on the Italian charcoal burners in the Murray Mallee in the war years, calling it “A reading opera”….having failed to find someone who could write and play music to accompany my own  ..

In a couple of other stories, I have woven the song into the length of the story…in one case sung by the mother to her child…: ….in another shorter piece, I used the actual songs timed length to be the same time length it takes to actually read the story..: …I called this method..: “Muse Music”.

I claim no deliberate attempt to create what you would call a new style of literature, but give the experience to you and any other interested persons here to see if there is a sort of possibility of growth in the method…because, like many others, I have pondered on the same theory concerning the future of writing for some time…in that it seems to be heading toward a kind of “dumbing down” to a more “formulaic” style of writing…perhaps making the creative process more vulnerable to the forging of AI.(Artificial Intelligence) manusctipts copying and reproducing ad-infinitum those same formulaic style tomes.

Perhaps the only salvation for original writing in the future will be to be so much more creative in character development and story the plots and actions a definite, un-forgeable humanist colour to the tale. I suspect a writer like Dostoyevsky would be difficult to fake with AI. would James Joyce.. Both, as fate would have it, hard acts to follow for your average writer..but still, the example is there, and it may not be a bad thing to at least try to could at least lift creative writing to the next height.

For myself, I have moved closer to poetry for the warmth of emotional connection, always admiring the poetic language for its demand of sincerity and brevity in expression, for like the heights of a good song, the pitch and tone is very difficult to fake and the less sincere poems stand out like sore thumbs to the experienced eye of a reader.

A pause for thought

For even Madam Time is paused,

And her dead-hand held fast as the women sly pass,

With but a glance and wistful smile to those who adore,

Giving feint hope to those who so want, but..

Touch not vain blade lest the moment spoil,

To but gaze upon and weep with desire..

Oh women!…thine eyes alone would tempt,

A greater God than man’s humble creation,

And thy beauty even if only in the beheld eye,

Enough to blind the honest to thievery,

And if thou desires; let thee accrue the price or the cost,

Beholden to no man’s pitiful measure..

For it is thy cup that pours the bouquet..

Let know but that you will choose the bloodline,

Your body the time and place….no disgrace!

Your choice ; glory or vainglory,

Let time grow jealous and men grow old,

While you can choose to look to either..

For heaven befits a granted grace,

And beauty will reach even the heart of a stone,

Making the warmth of such be the envy of a sun,

But the moment loaned of a woman’s touch,

Can be for a wanting man enough,

To satiate any longing hunger for heaven’s gate!

Old Heroes of a new age.

Victory is ours!

The fields of Elysium lay spread before us,

We stride forward, you and I, with accomplished deeds,

We will take control of these fields as our prize,

The crown of conquering heroes shall be ours.

And though I know not your name,

As do you know not mine, we march together,

In common age and dignity,

Leave the dying and debased to loot and rob,

The decaying ruins left on the field of battle, their only capacity, having stood idle,

While we battled all our lives for this day,

To have to endure their low mockery at our age,

THEY..who lack the skills and have not wit enough,

To even know when they should lay quiet…and listen!

So, we will ride away from their barbarian schemes,

Taking with us the treasure of our wisdom and knowledge,

In silence shall we scorn and disdain their cries of assistance,

When they come with pitiful eyes and lost souls clamouring.

Their world of material hunger is not now our world,

We leave them to their grasping greed and detritus,

For we have left their dominion,

With our accrued age and knowing,

We will forge a new homeland, a new beginning,

To greet the sunrise and hail the evening,

With a light in our eyes and clarity of mind,

Would dazzle the brightest star in the galaxy,

Come now, my company of aged heroes..

The battle for our independence has been won,

Upon the Fields of Elysium, we ride to a new dawn..

Victory is ours!

(This is a poetic testament to all us older citizens of the world..for while we be mocked, used and abused in aged care and home…then ignored in public debate..WE..who have survived to this age in a world of mostly grasping and materialist cruelty, have already won our battles, sown our seeds and reaped our crops..and now we claim our “Elysium Fields” as the right of conquering heroes!..yes..victory, be it great or this age, no is ours!)

The Sweet Touch of Melancholy.

History has passed me by.

‘Tis with a sweet touch of melancholy,

I reflect upon my mood today,

‘Twas one of a multiple of simple sayings,

My Irish gran’ had perchance to say..


“What you have not gained by age forty-five,

You will never have, no matter the age you survive”.

Now here I am, accrued my three score and ten,

And what I have not gained comes to taunt me again.


My moment in history has indeed passed me by,

That moment most desirous for myself to say,

“I am surrounded by what best pleases me, I may,

Now indulge in delightful fantasies, night and day”.


But now, in this ghastly, digitalised, parody of life,

I tread soft footfalls to avoid unnecessary strife,

Trying to conjure those spirits of esoteric, fantastic ,

Who do nought but tease me, dancing delightfully erotic.


My moment in history may have passed me by,

But in this velvet hiatus of aged life I lay,

Kaleidoscope dreams embracing me by night,

To secure me from snares the wild world lays.


And though I ought regret those few chances lost,

They were but fliting moments, chanced on a coin’s toss,

So ‘twould be churlish to recall such opportunity missed,

Then go curse life and all it but a Judas kiss.


Namatjira..act#4..the final scene.

(On the moment of Albert Namatjira’s passing.)

Albert :  Tjamu!..come…I call you as an equal to come to speak with me.

Tjamu*:  I am here, Namatjira…I never go away….What is it you want?

A :        No advice…THAT.. I have had plenty…No…now I want you to listen..for I have come to my last days…and I want to reason my situation.

Tj :        Your situation, Namatjira?

A : situation, for as you can see, I am back to where I started…a hovel for a home, myself deserted, left alone and the shame of jail time hanging over my name.

Tj :        Yes…as I warned..once you ventured into white-man’s territory, you were a marked man.

A :         I can see that now…but I keep asking myself..: “What did I do that so enraged them?”…for I was but an artist…many lauded my works and paid a lot of money for them..I was told that I was so very clever…a genius..some would exclaim!…I raised no alarm for radical change, no call to protest or arms to our peoples…I was no trouble to their administration…why the hatred?

Tj :       Yes, Namatjira…you were all those clever things to them…except… brought your talent from inside of you…you brought the colours of the land from deep in your soul…you needed only little training you needed NO coaching, for the world of your paintings was already captured within you…..and THAT is why they hated you…you made look easy what THEIRS had to struggle and torment themselves over…

A :        But they have their great painters, their adored artists…I was no threat to that.

Tj :       Oh..but you WERE, Namatjira…you were!…your use of their ochres as a wash of colour threw their world into disarray…while they wrestled with a creation of false realism, just like they wrestle with their false God, you swept your landscapes with the reflections of the sky and the hunger of the earth…you live and breathe the faith of your people…you didn’t need their God or their instructions..You didn’t need them, but they needed you…and like their God they crucified to save their souls, so you have been crucified to save their culture.

A :       You saw this happening, Tjamu…and you warned me..but could not stop it happening…and yet it did happen…and now I am lost…I am homeless and dying here in a misery of a camp…

Tj :       Yes, Namatjira…it did it was always going to it will happen for a long time yet to come…till we tear away the bonds that tie us down..But come, Namatjira…you are not lost but passing..for you are ‘on country’ ..YOUR are under our own sky, within reach of our water..all you need to do now is arise from your slumber and walk your country.

A :        MY COUNTRY, Tjamu?…

Tj :       Why yes, Namatjira…your country..the landscape you have painted…your visions of your awaits you Albert…come..walk with me into your world…

A :        Yes, Tjamu…I come…


The back of the whole stage lights up with a Namatjira landscape…( I envision a projected picture is used on a backdrop..and as Albert starts to walk with Tjamu, smoke raises and the projected picture is formed on the smoke and Albert walks into the ‘picture’ and disappears off the stage to end the play)..

*Tjamu is the central Aust’ indigenous word for “Grandfather”.



A close friend told me that not long before their mother passed away, she was given a “smartphone” by her children so as to be ready reachable and in case of emergency…they paid the connection fees etc. all she had to do was sign on.

Of course, signing on to such services has a security obligation and so one is called upon to use identity clues for a secure connection..clues that no other person will know…but being older, she knew from experience that she had best write those clues down just in case she would be called upon to repeat them verbatim at some future time.

So there, under the lid of the box the smartphone came in was a slip of paper with three items that were the answers to three obvious requests from the service provider..:

“My first pet ..: ‘ Taby’..”

“I was called ..: ‘ Peggy’ when young.”

” My parents met in the city of ..: Sydney”

These three little insights into a past life give clue to the gentle humanity of us all…little “songs” shall we say, of those moments that are held softly and secretly within our hearts, like a faded flower holding a special memory, pressed between the pages of an old novel.. Strange then, that we will share them with an anonymous machine without compunction, yet not be inclined to freely reveal such to other people…Perhaps it is that machine-like anonymity that reassures us..some people seem to have that same encouraging “feel” whereupon you can unload worries or confidences into a sensitive ear.

This, to my way of thinking is a failing of history..of our local history, where incidents and events are recorded minutely in committee records and local government archives etc…but where are the personal names?..Where are the identities that these events centered around? Who were these people who marched down the street of the town on such and such celebration day?..What was the fate of the person who’s car or buggy or person was crashed and injured in industrial accident or fall?..Who were all these people who marched through time with neither personality or history?..are we all to be slaves to opaque anonymity?..Where is the colour in the canvas .. the eyes that are the mirrors to so many souls?

I recall perusing through some archived photographs of a local town’s German school from the 1930’s. There were the usual gathering of kids ranging from around fourteen/fifteen down to seven or eight years, their beaming faces giving lie to their shoeless poverty…but then I noticed in the second row, in the shadow of one of the many Sagenschnitter brood, a dark-skinned boy of around (at a guess) ten years..I enlarged the photo on my computer and sure enough, there he indigenous child ……amongst the twenty or so German kids..What was he doing there?

Fortunately his name was recorded along with all the others in handwritten script under the photo and with a degree of complicated research, I eventually found the solution to the conundrum. He was one of the Stolen Generation..placed in care as a ward of the State in 1921 from the tender age of two years for being “illegitimate”…and I learned from local sources that some indigenous children were placed in these country centres far away from their original place of birth as a “subsidy placement” (whatever that means) with suitable families. But whatever the suitability of the family who took this boy in, it was recorded that he escaped their care and eventually made his way under several different names to Mildura where he died suddenly in 1936 aged 15yrs, under suspicious circumstances from Strychnine poison. The history of this lad’s fore-shortened stay on this earth would have gone un-collated save through police and one paragraph newspaper notification and indeed, because the death was in another state from the one he was registered in, no enquiry was conducted and he would have been totally forgotten..but for this accidental notice of a different ethnicity amongst all those Germanic children..and what also of his mother and relatives in this entire sorry affair? THAT is the chance of history.

And what chance for many others, identities forgotten in the steamrolling onslaught of capitalist production, so many heaped together in congested tenements and desperate lodgings so that even in old age we become just another commodity of “cost per unit” in an aged “care” investment property portfolio? .. as has been recently aired on the ABC with the closure of the “Gatwick Hotel” and the subsequent disasters for some of the tenants who resided there.

Here is the link to a short story about this very subject by Lajos Zilahy..: But for this”..

Is this the universal fate for those without funds or favour in the wider community?..lost in the sands of have any memory of their personal idiosyncratic character die along with the last one who has a direct knowledge of them at all…with perhaps nothing left on record save those “personal security identities” clinically saved on some sort of android device…a history condensed to three passwords..three little moments of one’s personal identity…a soul incomplete.

We are all humans in a humanist society .. and we should not think nor treat others as a material commodity.